Tag Archives: Strength

If You’re A Girl You Should Be Doing These Workouts

SQUATS. I see it all over the internet, all over social media, and even at the gym. Has anyone else noticed this hype over squats this past year or is it just me? You know what I’m talking about, it usually consists of a sexy model, Nike gym gear, a nice “gluteus maximus”, and a super inspirational quote. While for guys they serve more as eye candy, I really think these pictures have motivated girls to go sign up for a gym membership and squat their lives away. While squats are awesome and anyone who takes fitness seriously should be doing them, girls shouldn’t just focus on doing squats. So here are the workouts I think all girls hitting the gym should be doing.

1. Calf Raises

-So easy to do, so many different ways of hitting them, and you don’t even need a gym. Squatting has got you covered when it comes to the top half of your legs but if you’re not working out calves you’re missing out on the entire bottom half. Check out this YouTube video and learn how to do them.

women should do calf raises

2. Back Extension

-The lower back is extremely important when it comes to up upper body strength and good posture. Just like guys are told to have a good posture I feel the same applies for girls. Walking around with a hunched over back is not attractive.  While the most effective way to hit this muscle is by using a hyper-extension machine you can still work the muscle at home. Click here to see how to do these.

back extension machine

girl lower back extension

3. Oblique Knee Raise

-You can do all the ab workouts you want but if you’re trying to lose fat or gain muscle right above your hips, crunches won’t take you very far. I chose the Oblique Knee Raise because it’s one of my personal favorites, I don’t see very many people doing them, and it hits the shoulders if done in the dip position. Working out the obliques most importantly helps develop the V- Cut everybody wants. If you don’t have access to a gym check out the at home Oblique Crunch.

oblique crunch at home

obliques knee raise

4. Deadlifts

-If you want nice legs you have to deadlift! Again, squats will work your glutes and quadriceps but you can’t forget about the hamstrings. While I’ve seen some girls deadlift at gyms I don’t think enough girls are doing them. This is one of those workouts that sounds and looks intense but you can always choose the amount of weight. Deadlifts not only hit the hamstrings effectively but they work almost every muscle in your leg simultaneously. On top of that deadlifts work your abs, obliques, traps, and shoulders at the same time. Check out this video to learn these.

girl deadlifting hamstrings

5. Skull Crusher’s

-Once again this workout may sound a little too intense but it really isn’t and everyone should be doing these. I find this to be one of the most effective tricep workouts and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl do this at the gym. It’s easy to learn, the amount of weight is up to you, and really blasts the triceps. Check out this video to learn the proper form.

skull crushers girls

So those are the 5 five workouts I think girls should be doing on top of squatting. Hope you found this informative and if you have any questions leave a comment down below!

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